Set Up An Affiliate Program With Hooley

smartphone users looking at affiliate marketing offers

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing, also known as performance marketing, involves working with affiliates who promote your product or service. These affiliates are only paid when they make a sale or generate a lead. This method is cost-effective for many businesses, as it increases sales without the large upfront costs associated with traditional advertising.

affiliate programs hitting targets

What is an affiliate network?

An affiliate network collects many affiliate offers together, whilst at the same time signing up affiliates. They then act as a marketplace where affiliates can find affiliate programs to promote. Hooley can help you sign up and do the technical integration with these networks.

How to find affiliates?

Adding your affiliate program to affiliate networks is a great way to start to get affiliates. However it is also possible to recruit and manage affiliates directly. Hooley has worked with companies in many industries, so can help to identify the channels and recruit affiliates for your offer.